Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Day 3 Tuesday 15th December 2009


Been a long day but a good day, I got to the DLR station in time (not for my train) but to witness a gorgeous sunrise from the elevated position of the DLR affords you, it put me instantly in a good mood. I then went on a musical journey listening to everything from Ozzy Osbourne to the Blue Danube Waltz and just about everything in between.

I skipped along Portobello Road stopping only for a Cinnamon Latte (yummy) and a Cinnamon Swirl pastry (extra yummy).

At lunchtime I met a cute little dog, who didn't seem to own a human and was a bit chilly so I picked him up some food but he had gone by the time I got back, probably off looking for his human who I am assuming slipped his lead.

I have, so far, resisted the urge to purchase the gorgeous Elle MacPherson bra and panties that I have fallen in love with, whether or not I can resist another day remains to be seen, more so since they have been put in a pre-season sale! I should get help, I have an addiction to gorgeous lingerie, in itself it isn't so bad but can be detrimental to the old bank balance.

Looking forward to the arrival of my boys, the dog and kitchen utensils, I feel sluggish as the temptation to eat junk is too much, I refuse to purchase more kitchen utensils when my own things will arrive soon enough. Note to self, buy fruit tomorrow!

About to make some jewellery - have withdrawal symptoms having not made anything all week.

Take care

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