Bank is open! Yay! and by Bank I mean Bank station so my commute just got a bit easier in the morning.
Been a busy day lots to do which is how I like it! Last night I made two new necklaces which are very nice, looking forward to showing you my new range which should be done in about a week or so.
I forgot to charge the MP3 (again) so my journey home was interesting as you can't help but hear other peoples conversations. There was one woman that I really felt for, she was worrying about failing her child (I'm guessing a new mum) and is worried that she is "doing it right". I'm sure all first time mums have been in this place, you are learning about being a parent and its tough. I was always worried that I got it wrong, even recently, and I have two kids now.
I've read the books, visited the websites and talked to the doctors and in the end I'm doing a great job by all accounts, I have two healthy, beautiful, happy children who are growing and learning all the time. The books and experts do offer good advice and opinions but that is what they are advice and opinions! Nobody knows your child like you do, so to the anonymous mother on the train, you are probably doing fine enjoy your children they don't stay young for long!
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