Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Wednesday 26th May 2010

Ok if there was a description for perfect day in the dictionary it would have a picture of my family yesterday!

I had the text book day off, was it because the sun was shining, was it because I was ignoring my mobile and emails, was it because there were no train delays, was it because we found a great Italian restaurant, or because the kids exhausted from the adventures went off to bed leaving us to Baileys over ice in front of the tv??????

Nope it was because I was with Martin and the boys and because the sun was shining I was ignoring my mobile and emails,there were no train delays, we found a great little Italian and kids sound asleep while we enjoyed a Baileys. I could go on to explain what made yesterday so special but instead some photos!


Monday, 24 May 2010

Monday 24th May 2010

Met all my boys for lunch today which was so nice, the kids modelling their new sunglasses and hats! An essential given the change in weather this week.

Naturally I look like a lobster and likely to kill if anyone touches my back (you'd think I'd learn).

Had IT problems today, of course it was a Monday! But otherwise a relatively normal day, changed location again, now Soho which is nice there is so much around to entertain me on lunch breaks but day off tomorrow so taking the kids and Martin out on another Claire adventure.

Will post piccies tomorrow


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Thursday 20th May 2010

I'm gonna break out the dremel - my little power tool with the big attitude. I'm in a very creative mood and I have Sunday off and I have, in my busy schedule, work, mum, wife....., allotted some time for me to let the creative juices flow, usually involves cutting up random bits of metal, cutlery and broken jewellery and turning them into something new. So watch this space - it will either be some photos of designs or a post about another trip to A&E.

In the short time that I have been dabbling in jewellery making I have had only two "episodes" the first was burning my wrist on a fork - note to self "fork will be hot after using the blow torch on it" and the second incident was when a metal-cutting piece snapped and came flying off the dremel at high-speed missing my face by millimetres. I actually felt it skim through my hair - I was a bit shaky after that one. But otherwise apart from some questionable designs my jewellery making had been relatively straightforward if you excuse my accidentally cutting a very valuable piece because I misread the hallmark.

Anyway for now I have to have a shower, go play football with the kids and then head ff to work!


Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Tuesday 18th May 2010

After all the drama of yesterday it was nice to have a relatively normal day, and worrying that something was really wrong with my heart yesterday has made me appreciate all I have in life more.

This morning I had my usual mishaps on the way to work, after being on the DLR a mere two minutes Corran announced to the passengers that his "pee was coming" (he likes to announce it) followed by Father Jack aka Ethan, who was sat on my knee at the time, wet his nappy right through on the my knee.

So now, soaked with baby pee, and in search of a toilet for Corran I got off at Canary Wharf to use the bathroom in the mall. Now I even impressed myself with this as I was able to clean and dry Ethan's trousers using the super efficient Dyson hand dryers, meanwhile I'd thrown my jacket on the tiny sink and unknown to me at the time, my two tiny terrors had turned the tap on, so whilst I was thinking I was more alpha mum then I realised, my jacket was being soaked.

But do you know what? It was the best morning I've had in ages, Martin off doing a job me with the boys, the sun shining!!

Take time to appreciate what you have in life and always hug those you love!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Monday 17th May 2010

Well what a Monday!

It started off relatively normal, and it is ending relatively normal (sat at home with laptop) but a huge chunk of crazy in the middle.

Having had a few "episodes" over the weekend - I know I am about to sound like an old dear complaining about my "hip problem" but yes I had a few episodes with my heart. Basically without warning and for no obvious reason my heart has taken to fluttering, which is a very nice way of putting it - palpitations or atrial fibrillation if you want to get technical about it! In a nutshell my heart rate increases for a short spell accompanied with chest pains and breathing problems!

Today at lunchtime I had such an episode resulting in a visit to St Mary's A&E in Paddington, so several hours later I was finally sent home with some tablets and no real answer to what happened. During my time at St Marys I got quite annoyed with the three drunk men commanding the attention of the entire A&E staff with their antics, the staff are so busy as it is and then in rolls three drunk guys who get to jump the que because they can't stand up! I tried not to let it get to me - didn't want to raise my blood pressure as a result.

Anyways back home, relaxed and ready for bed!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sunday 16th May 2010

Been a strange day today, Ethan was awake at 5.20am and I mean awake in our bed talking and using me as a climbing frame.

There was no convincing him to go back to bed, it resulted in a very early nap for him at around 11am and the bags under my eyes in the photographs we took today.

So check out the posers of the family.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Thursday 13th May 2010

This is what its all about, just put the boys to bed after reading some books!

It is so nice to be home at this time as I rarely share a family meal these days and it breaks my heart, but today we took the kids out to Mudchute Park and Farm, another wonderful free London attraction, and came home and had some homemade curry and then story time!

I wish I could spend every day visiting wild animals and then reading stories before falling into a dream filled sleep!


Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Wednesday 12th May 2010

Bit of a challenge getting to work this morning, signal failures on the DLR.

When I did eventually get to bank and on the central line I was lucky enough to be stood next to "big bag big hair" lady - this woman clearly thought she was in a shampoo commercial rather than a packed rush hour tube. She kept shaking her big frizzy hair in my face so much so I sneezed but that never stopped her. She also had an enormous handbag, seriously at what point did suitcases get classed as handbags?

Each time it slipped she swung it back up on her shoulder - which resulted in it clashing with my somewhat delicate tummy - almost wet myself a couple of times. Might invest in Tena Lady just to survive my work commute.

Day off tomorrow - so will be off out with the kids, no plans as yet but fun fun fun!

Monday, 10 May 2010

monday 10th may 2010

"No-one can make you feel inferior without your permission"
Eleanor Roosevelt, wise words!

After a bumpy start to the day, it ended up being a very productive day with lots on the "to do list" ticked off.

I think respect is so very important in life, especially in work - no currency can buy respect - don't just give it away, it should be earned!

Tomorrow's a new day, just like a blank sheet of paper.


Sunday, 9 May 2010

Sunday 9th May 2010

OMG Just listened to "I told you I was freaky" a risk purchase for me by Martin but it is so funny! That's certainly one for the MP3 for my commute to work.


Sunday 9th May 2010

Just fixed the broken toilet, a broken toilet is a bit like having to make a touch decision on life, or putting something off - well you can ignore it in the hope it will disappear but sure enough at some point you'll end up to your elbows in S**t! Not much fun more so given my attempts were a waste of time, as Corran has just informed me the toilets blocked again.

Anyways, this morning we took Fuzz to Thames Barrier Park for a crazy run around - it was just me, fuzz and the boys not a single other person or canine in the place it was great as Fuzz got some off the lead time to run around, tongue hanging out and chasing the sticks that Corran was throwing for her.

I have some photos from yesterdays adventures.

Then later we are off to meet daddy at the train station.


Saturday, 8 May 2010

Sarurday 8th May 2010

Just back in after a couple of hours through at Canary Wharf, we went to the Museum of Docklands which was a lot of fun for the kids, they got to learn about what the landscape looked like before the financial giants transformed the area.

They had great fun playing in mudlarks the play area at the museum.

We also had to pop into Canary Wharf Mall to pick up a few essentials and had the unfortunate luck of running into a Wharfite and a mini-wharfite who demonstrated a level of ignorance I wouldn't have thought possible. Whilst waiting for the elevator to go to the Jubilee line, Wharfite and his (I'm guessing 8 year old son) were behind us and as the elevator approached, stepped over the buggy to go in first! My two year old and soon to be four year old son know the concept of waiting your turn so these two surely should know the error of their ways, but no, not even an apology. In fact they seemed quite annoyed that I should share to elevator with them, what bugs me most is that they could have easily gone down the stairs!

When I am out and about I try to teach my sons the importance of manners, I worry when the experience things like this, as I don't want them thinking that behaviour is acceptable, so whilst in the elevator I explained to both my kids that what happened was extremely rude and that I don't want them doing anything like that. The Wharfite just uttered something in French and stormed out the lift - manners!

Anyways would highly recommend the museum for an afternoon out it is one of many free London museums!

Take care

Saturday 8th May 2010

Yay! Its the weekend and I'm not working and I have the boys all to myself!

So we have been colouring in this morning, then we'll take fuzz out and feed the ducks and swans and geese and birds! Then we're gonna make some cakes.

Now before you all think I'm super mum it didn't quite go to plan, Martin was sitting comfortably on the coach to Scotland waiting to depart last night, I was almost home when we both realised I never had house keys.

So he had to come to my resuce and get another coach this morning, seconds after he left the kids got up followed by fuzzy being sick in the living room floor!

but hey, its all good! Listening to Taylor Swift and getting ready to head out.

Still hoping I'll find some tickets to Michael Buble just lying around - love the Crazy Love album!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Thursday 6th May!

Got a cuddle from a gorgeous little bear today, a clients son who needed settled - and as always I stepped into help.

Think I should've become an infant massage instructor as I soon had him settled!

And to think I used to worry that I had no maternal instincts, nearly home, can't cuddle my own bears tonight as they'll be in bed but I can steal a kiss!

kisses and cuddles

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Tuesday 4th May 2010

Back again, Can't sleep!

Thing is I am really tired, just can't nod off - my brain is working overtime not quite sure which side of my brain is responsible given a recent questionnaire declaring that I am 66% right brain - either way I am very tired but very awake.

I might try counting sheep!


Tuesday 4th May 2010

Nothing for a while then two in one day - just like buses!

So big debate of the week, excluding loved ones, what could you not live without, answers on a postcard or email!

We've had some interesting answers;

MAC lipstick
Gossip Mags
Mobile phones (of all varieties)
Flat screen TV

But for me it was easy, music, I could not imagine a world without music! Music is such a big part of my life. I have songs that remind me of good times, not so good times, I have songs that make me feel great and add a spring to my step and songs for when you want to wallow in self pity.

Admit it, we've all done it, wallowed in self pity, and why not - nothing as dramatic as wailing to a love song, or a song that reminds you of a past love or old friend, pet, holiday etc etc you catch my drift.

And then the songs that you can't help but smile to, I am very guilty of this on my commute to work, I hum along smiling and I don't really care that my fellow commuters think I'm "special", today I had a good mix, Stevie Wonder (cannot go wrong), Michael Buble, Crazy Love album is great, Blue Danube Waltz - perfect public transport classical music, Jason Mraz - liking "Absolutely Zero" and "You and I both" finishing off with Queen perfect music to come home to!

So what can't you live without or what song do you smile to???


Tuesday 4th May 2010

I know, I know I've been MIA!

lots to catch up on and I'm working on a new look blog!

So lets see, kids got back safely from scotland, ethans birthday party was a hit, corran's new football more so, corran fractured two fingers (he'll never play with doors again), ethans vocabulary is really coming on, working all the timenow in Notting Hill which is fun and the walk to work is gorgeous now the better weather is here!

right this minutes I'm listening to Michael Buble, Crazy Love! so wish I could get tickets but 15th May is sold out!

back soon