Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Tuesday 4th May 2010

Nothing for a while then two in one day - just like buses!

So big debate of the week, excluding loved ones, what could you not live without, answers on a postcard or email!

We've had some interesting answers;

MAC lipstick
Gossip Mags
Mobile phones (of all varieties)
Flat screen TV

But for me it was easy, music, I could not imagine a world without music! Music is such a big part of my life. I have songs that remind me of good times, not so good times, I have songs that make me feel great and add a spring to my step and songs for when you want to wallow in self pity.

Admit it, we've all done it, wallowed in self pity, and why not - nothing as dramatic as wailing to a love song, or a song that reminds you of a past love or old friend, pet, holiday etc etc you catch my drift.

And then the songs that you can't help but smile to, I am very guilty of this on my commute to work, I hum along smiling and I don't really care that my fellow commuters think I'm "special", today I had a good mix, Stevie Wonder (cannot go wrong), Michael Buble, Crazy Love album is great, Blue Danube Waltz - perfect public transport classical music, Jason Mraz - liking "Absolutely Zero" and "You and I both" finishing off with Queen perfect music to come home to!

So what can't you live without or what song do you smile to???


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