Not that I want to get into the habit of making excuses but I have had an extremely stressful week, that said it has been good spending time with the kids whilst Martin was away in Runcorn (which is code for New York).
So where to start, I was in Scotland for a few days at Steph's birthday party, followed by the road trip from hell, note to self do not sit at the back of the coach next to the bathroom RISK smelly bathroom every time door opens....REWARD more leg room, it's a tough one!
So Steph came back down to London with me to help take care of the kids, which was nice we done some shopping, some sight seeing, British Music Experience at the O2, found a Roller Disco (best thing ever and we haven't gone to it yet) and hopped on and off the tube too many times to remember.
So with the "good" stuff out of the way we also had murder, measles and mayhem!
Then Martin came home and we are back to normal, that is, until the madness begins again as he is off to Abu Dhabi next week!

On the way home from work last night I was off in a world of my own and got to think of the nice Ikea message on our Oyster card wallets. Home is the most important place in the world, and home is where my boys are!
love Claire