Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Day 95 Wednesday 17th March

top o the morning to you! Happy St Patricks Day and Happy Birthday Steph, finally 30!

So it was a pleasant afternoon, even found myself walking to the tube with my jacket off, although to be honest that was more to do with the fact that I had egg yolk down the front of my green jacket! I am clumsy Claire today, I ended up wearing my egg muffin this morning.

Have you noticed how we end up dancing on the train in the morning rush hour. I rarely get a seat when I get ont he DLR and as such I try to secure my spot in a corner and this morning my spot was the railing next to the doors so that I had something to grab on to which wasn't another human being, not that you really fall on a packed train, you usually just bump around the other passengers if you happen to lose your balance a bit like pin ball! So having secured my spot I happily allowed other passengers on the train without giving up my spot, until some rude man pushed his back into me, in the way that my dog does to get a spot on the couch - before I knew it I was in the crowd with nothing to grab hold of.

That said I believe in Karma and in this instance the rude man banged his head on the window just as we approached Shadwell (it gets really bumpy there) isn't it great when you don't have to wait for Karma to take effect.

Anyways I have to sign off for now!


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