Friday, 1 January 2010

Day 20 1st January 2010

Happy New Year!

This festive season has been a strange one it just went by very quickly with no drama and distractions. In many ways I am glad its passed, we don't half go crazy for this one week of the year and its sheer madness, the best Christmases I've had is where nothing in particular had been planned and you spend time with family and friends and that is what we had this year.

I seen the bells in, in my PJ's, sipping a really cheap bottle of bubbly that I hastily picked up at Tesco, never took time to choose a particular bottle as the crowds were getting to me, and had one more uber skinny, model type bump into me with her trolley full of food and drink that she probably won't even eat, I probably would have gone mad.

So we sat there watching Jools Holland's Hootenany which was running about 1 minute late (watching it on laptop still no TV till middle of month), Corran having only just gone to bed as he never quite had it in him to stay up for the bells and it seemed the perfect way to close off this year and welcome in the new year.

Today I enjoyed a long lie in bed, which was really nice and appreciated as I know the kids were happy that I wasn't having to dash out the door first thing as normal. We strolled the dog and then hopped on the DLR and headed through to Canary Wharf for a few bits n pieces. Again not an overly exciting New Years Day but a really good one in my book as I spent it with my boys!

I've not made any resolutions this year, I think we put too much pressure on ourselves to achieve unrealistic goals, just try to be the best "you" you can! Its a bit like Valentines day, we all go crazy to declare our love on this one day - why not just demonstrate your love all year and then we wouldn't have to go crazy. I know this sounds like someone who spent years not getting Valentines gifts (which is partially true) but I do really believe it, its like you could spend all year with someone who treats you awful, takes you for granted, shows you no respect but thats ok because come 14th February he'll spend a fortune on a dozen red roses (so obvious) and that means that he really truly loves you.

Sorry hadn't intended on a Valentines rant for at least a few weeks but hey better out than in - well dinner time is approaching in the madhouse!

take care

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