Sunday, 24 January 2010

Day 43 Sunday 24th January 2010

Spent the afternoon with Michael Buble, well his voice at any rate, don't think his new fiancee would be best pleased otherwise. But I was happy to just bop along to his latest album.

I read an article today in one of those "lifestyle" magazines you know the kind that try to help you achieve a better life by asking you to pay the £6.00 cover charge to read up on how to improve your life.

The article was a typical "how to make 2010 your best year yet in 10 easy steps" and at number 8 it was advising readers to conduct a "friends audit" with the aim being to rid yourself of people where the "friendship scales" are tipping one way. After reading it I thought it was quite harsh, but when I got to thinking about it, it was very good advice.

There are some people that do not contribute to the friendship emotionally, you are expected to be there for all their big events (birthdays, anniversaries, kids parties etc etc) but they never attend yours, you are expected to have the shoulder ready for them to cry on but in the middle of your heartache they are not to be seen, you have to listen for hours about their awful husband, boyfriend etc etc but if you ask the same in return they deem it "unfair to put this on them" and when they have nothing left you are to help pick up their pieces but when your crisis arrives they "don't want to take sides".

I have had such friends and when I think about it in many ways I have "audited" them out my life without realising it and my life is better for it, and then there are the gems, the ones you can rely on, the ones that make you laugh so much you pee yourself (no really I did), the ones that can just listen and not judge anCheck Spellingd they will be the best friends through the rough and the smooth and for that we can all be grateful.

Happy Sunday

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