Thursday, 19 August 2010

Thursday 19th August 2010

I know there is no excuse is there?

So lots of change - I have a new job which is great and I am loving it! Martins hasn't had that many UFC's of late which should change in the coming weeks, Corran's turned four and is quite the looker, talker, mess maker etc etc etc Ethan uses the toilet (most of the time), Family have been to visit, Steph has been to visit and Fuzz has a new friend Danny the dog at mums work!

Doesn't seem like a lot but it has been crazy crazy lately!

Will be back soon with tales of awful commutes and just general little snippets of my life.

love Claire

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Tuesday 22nd June 2010

Its officially hot! Summer is here!

Looking forward to the family coming down and we have found a great park to take them to for a family picnic which is what I think we'll do for Corran's birthday!

Yep my little boy is growing up, to think back four years ago was one of Scotlands hottest summers, baby's were popping out all over the place and our little bundle arrived nearly 8 weeks early, weighing in at 5lb 2oz. He had attitude right from the off, was gorgeous then and had turned into quite a handsome young boy.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Monday 21st June 2010

Its been a strange day, and the longest day no less.

I've been reading "Just get on with it!" a self help book by Ali Campbell and it has really helped me identify when I am on the wrong path. So now I know what I want, just need to work out how to achieve it. I am sure I'll work it out!

Anyway would happily recommend reading the book.


Sunday, 20 June 2010

Happy Fathers Day!

So my first order of the day - Corran wants to make dad pancakes for Fathers Day! Translation, the bears will help for a little bit, making a bit of a mess and then asking every minute if they are ready yet!

Still the thought was there and it was sweet.

So now with full tummy's we are all relaxed watching Discovery channel about asteroids. Yesterday we all headed out to Greenwich which Fuzzy loved, she is very much one of the family and hates being left in while we are out so it was nice to see her run around silly, tail wagging and tongue hanging out of her mouth.

This time there was no "episodes" at the park, earlier in the week when I had taken the kids to the swing park in Greenwich some boy, a little older than Corran threw a cup of sand in Corran's face which he still doesn't really understand, he is learning the hard way that not all boys and girls are nice. Shocking more was that in asking the boy where his mother was he hit me, his mother came forward and didn't chastise the boy or offer an apology or teach the child that what he has done is wrong and I think this upset me the most - we have a responsibility for bringing our children up to know right from wrong and I worry about the adult that boy will turn into when his mother seems more interested in gossiping with other mothers than taking an interest in what her child is getting up to.

She strikes me as the type of mother that would scream had it been the other way around.

Not sure what the rest of the day has in store but I'm sure it will be noisy, messy and fun!

Take care

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Wednesday 26th May 2010

Ok if there was a description for perfect day in the dictionary it would have a picture of my family yesterday!

I had the text book day off, was it because the sun was shining, was it because I was ignoring my mobile and emails, was it because there were no train delays, was it because we found a great Italian restaurant, or because the kids exhausted from the adventures went off to bed leaving us to Baileys over ice in front of the tv??????

Nope it was because I was with Martin and the boys and because the sun was shining I was ignoring my mobile and emails,there were no train delays, we found a great little Italian and kids sound asleep while we enjoyed a Baileys. I could go on to explain what made yesterday so special but instead some photos!


Monday, 24 May 2010

Monday 24th May 2010

Met all my boys for lunch today which was so nice, the kids modelling their new sunglasses and hats! An essential given the change in weather this week.

Naturally I look like a lobster and likely to kill if anyone touches my back (you'd think I'd learn).

Had IT problems today, of course it was a Monday! But otherwise a relatively normal day, changed location again, now Soho which is nice there is so much around to entertain me on lunch breaks but day off tomorrow so taking the kids and Martin out on another Claire adventure.

Will post piccies tomorrow


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Thursday 20th May 2010

I'm gonna break out the dremel - my little power tool with the big attitude. I'm in a very creative mood and I have Sunday off and I have, in my busy schedule, work, mum, wife....., allotted some time for me to let the creative juices flow, usually involves cutting up random bits of metal, cutlery and broken jewellery and turning them into something new. So watch this space - it will either be some photos of designs or a post about another trip to A&E.

In the short time that I have been dabbling in jewellery making I have had only two "episodes" the first was burning my wrist on a fork - note to self "fork will be hot after using the blow torch on it" and the second incident was when a metal-cutting piece snapped and came flying off the dremel at high-speed missing my face by millimetres. I actually felt it skim through my hair - I was a bit shaky after that one. But otherwise apart from some questionable designs my jewellery making had been relatively straightforward if you excuse my accidentally cutting a very valuable piece because I misread the hallmark.

Anyway for now I have to have a shower, go play football with the kids and then head ff to work!


Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Tuesday 18th May 2010

After all the drama of yesterday it was nice to have a relatively normal day, and worrying that something was really wrong with my heart yesterday has made me appreciate all I have in life more.

This morning I had my usual mishaps on the way to work, after being on the DLR a mere two minutes Corran announced to the passengers that his "pee was coming" (he likes to announce it) followed by Father Jack aka Ethan, who was sat on my knee at the time, wet his nappy right through on the my knee.

So now, soaked with baby pee, and in search of a toilet for Corran I got off at Canary Wharf to use the bathroom in the mall. Now I even impressed myself with this as I was able to clean and dry Ethan's trousers using the super efficient Dyson hand dryers, meanwhile I'd thrown my jacket on the tiny sink and unknown to me at the time, my two tiny terrors had turned the tap on, so whilst I was thinking I was more alpha mum then I realised, my jacket was being soaked.

But do you know what? It was the best morning I've had in ages, Martin off doing a job me with the boys, the sun shining!!

Take time to appreciate what you have in life and always hug those you love!

Monday, 17 May 2010

Monday 17th May 2010

Well what a Monday!

It started off relatively normal, and it is ending relatively normal (sat at home with laptop) but a huge chunk of crazy in the middle.

Having had a few "episodes" over the weekend - I know I am about to sound like an old dear complaining about my "hip problem" but yes I had a few episodes with my heart. Basically without warning and for no obvious reason my heart has taken to fluttering, which is a very nice way of putting it - palpitations or atrial fibrillation if you want to get technical about it! In a nutshell my heart rate increases for a short spell accompanied with chest pains and breathing problems!

Today at lunchtime I had such an episode resulting in a visit to St Mary's A&E in Paddington, so several hours later I was finally sent home with some tablets and no real answer to what happened. During my time at St Marys I got quite annoyed with the three drunk men commanding the attention of the entire A&E staff with their antics, the staff are so busy as it is and then in rolls three drunk guys who get to jump the que because they can't stand up! I tried not to let it get to me - didn't want to raise my blood pressure as a result.

Anyways back home, relaxed and ready for bed!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sunday 16th May 2010

Been a strange day today, Ethan was awake at 5.20am and I mean awake in our bed talking and using me as a climbing frame.

There was no convincing him to go back to bed, it resulted in a very early nap for him at around 11am and the bags under my eyes in the photographs we took today.

So check out the posers of the family.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Thursday 13th May 2010

This is what its all about, just put the boys to bed after reading some books!

It is so nice to be home at this time as I rarely share a family meal these days and it breaks my heart, but today we took the kids out to Mudchute Park and Farm, another wonderful free London attraction, and came home and had some homemade curry and then story time!

I wish I could spend every day visiting wild animals and then reading stories before falling into a dream filled sleep!


Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Wednesday 12th May 2010

Bit of a challenge getting to work this morning, signal failures on the DLR.

When I did eventually get to bank and on the central line I was lucky enough to be stood next to "big bag big hair" lady - this woman clearly thought she was in a shampoo commercial rather than a packed rush hour tube. She kept shaking her big frizzy hair in my face so much so I sneezed but that never stopped her. She also had an enormous handbag, seriously at what point did suitcases get classed as handbags?

Each time it slipped she swung it back up on her shoulder - which resulted in it clashing with my somewhat delicate tummy - almost wet myself a couple of times. Might invest in Tena Lady just to survive my work commute.

Day off tomorrow - so will be off out with the kids, no plans as yet but fun fun fun!

Monday, 10 May 2010

monday 10th may 2010

"No-one can make you feel inferior without your permission"
Eleanor Roosevelt, wise words!

After a bumpy start to the day, it ended up being a very productive day with lots on the "to do list" ticked off.

I think respect is so very important in life, especially in work - no currency can buy respect - don't just give it away, it should be earned!

Tomorrow's a new day, just like a blank sheet of paper.


Sunday, 9 May 2010

Sunday 9th May 2010

OMG Just listened to "I told you I was freaky" a risk purchase for me by Martin but it is so funny! That's certainly one for the MP3 for my commute to work.


Sunday 9th May 2010

Just fixed the broken toilet, a broken toilet is a bit like having to make a touch decision on life, or putting something off - well you can ignore it in the hope it will disappear but sure enough at some point you'll end up to your elbows in S**t! Not much fun more so given my attempts were a waste of time, as Corran has just informed me the toilets blocked again.

Anyways, this morning we took Fuzz to Thames Barrier Park for a crazy run around - it was just me, fuzz and the boys not a single other person or canine in the place it was great as Fuzz got some off the lead time to run around, tongue hanging out and chasing the sticks that Corran was throwing for her.

I have some photos from yesterdays adventures.

Then later we are off to meet daddy at the train station.


Saturday, 8 May 2010

Sarurday 8th May 2010

Just back in after a couple of hours through at Canary Wharf, we went to the Museum of Docklands which was a lot of fun for the kids, they got to learn about what the landscape looked like before the financial giants transformed the area.

They had great fun playing in mudlarks the play area at the museum.

We also had to pop into Canary Wharf Mall to pick up a few essentials and had the unfortunate luck of running into a Wharfite and a mini-wharfite who demonstrated a level of ignorance I wouldn't have thought possible. Whilst waiting for the elevator to go to the Jubilee line, Wharfite and his (I'm guessing 8 year old son) were behind us and as the elevator approached, stepped over the buggy to go in first! My two year old and soon to be four year old son know the concept of waiting your turn so these two surely should know the error of their ways, but no, not even an apology. In fact they seemed quite annoyed that I should share to elevator with them, what bugs me most is that they could have easily gone down the stairs!

When I am out and about I try to teach my sons the importance of manners, I worry when the experience things like this, as I don't want them thinking that behaviour is acceptable, so whilst in the elevator I explained to both my kids that what happened was extremely rude and that I don't want them doing anything like that. The Wharfite just uttered something in French and stormed out the lift - manners!

Anyways would highly recommend the museum for an afternoon out it is one of many free London museums!

Take care

Saturday 8th May 2010

Yay! Its the weekend and I'm not working and I have the boys all to myself!

So we have been colouring in this morning, then we'll take fuzz out and feed the ducks and swans and geese and birds! Then we're gonna make some cakes.

Now before you all think I'm super mum it didn't quite go to plan, Martin was sitting comfortably on the coach to Scotland waiting to depart last night, I was almost home when we both realised I never had house keys.

So he had to come to my resuce and get another coach this morning, seconds after he left the kids got up followed by fuzzy being sick in the living room floor!

but hey, its all good! Listening to Taylor Swift and getting ready to head out.

Still hoping I'll find some tickets to Michael Buble just lying around - love the Crazy Love album!

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Thursday 6th May!

Got a cuddle from a gorgeous little bear today, a clients son who needed settled - and as always I stepped into help.

Think I should've become an infant massage instructor as I soon had him settled!

And to think I used to worry that I had no maternal instincts, nearly home, can't cuddle my own bears tonight as they'll be in bed but I can steal a kiss!

kisses and cuddles

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Tuesday 4th May 2010

Back again, Can't sleep!

Thing is I am really tired, just can't nod off - my brain is working overtime not quite sure which side of my brain is responsible given a recent questionnaire declaring that I am 66% right brain - either way I am very tired but very awake.

I might try counting sheep!


Tuesday 4th May 2010

Nothing for a while then two in one day - just like buses!

So big debate of the week, excluding loved ones, what could you not live without, answers on a postcard or email!

We've had some interesting answers;

MAC lipstick
Gossip Mags
Mobile phones (of all varieties)
Flat screen TV

But for me it was easy, music, I could not imagine a world without music! Music is such a big part of my life. I have songs that remind me of good times, not so good times, I have songs that make me feel great and add a spring to my step and songs for when you want to wallow in self pity.

Admit it, we've all done it, wallowed in self pity, and why not - nothing as dramatic as wailing to a love song, or a song that reminds you of a past love or old friend, pet, holiday etc etc you catch my drift.

And then the songs that you can't help but smile to, I am very guilty of this on my commute to work, I hum along smiling and I don't really care that my fellow commuters think I'm "special", today I had a good mix, Stevie Wonder (cannot go wrong), Michael Buble, Crazy Love album is great, Blue Danube Waltz - perfect public transport classical music, Jason Mraz - liking "Absolutely Zero" and "You and I both" finishing off with Queen perfect music to come home to!

So what can't you live without or what song do you smile to???


Tuesday 4th May 2010

I know, I know I've been MIA!

lots to catch up on and I'm working on a new look blog!

So lets see, kids got back safely from scotland, ethans birthday party was a hit, corran's new football more so, corran fractured two fingers (he'll never play with doors again), ethans vocabulary is really coming on, working all the timenow in Notting Hill which is fun and the walk to work is gorgeous now the better weather is here!

right this minutes I'm listening to Michael Buble, Crazy Love! so wish I could get tickets but 15th May is sold out!

back soon

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Day 127 Saturday 17th April 2010

Birthday Boy!

So we started the day with a family trip to Thames Barrier Park, lovely weather - great time had by all including Fuzz who had a mad run-around!

Followed by a trip to Tesco at Gallions Reach, minus Fuzz and Martin - ok so Gallions Reach DLR is nowhere near the retail park and I had limited time and party supplies to get! But it was sunny and it made for a nice walk when the bus driver wouldn't let me on the bus without folding the pram which I couldn't do as Ethan was sound asleep, conserving energy for his party.

Fifteen minutes later and running out of Black eyed Peas songs that I knew the lyrics to, my boys love BEP, we arrive at Gallions Reach and it is huge, but no time for that today we are on a mission, Pizza, crisps, cake and drinks.

About an hour or so later, I come out having spent more than I intended to and having half of what I needed! How does that happen?

Anyways homeward bound to blow up balloons and turn the music way up!

Party time - the boys entertained our guests by dancing, singing (to BEP) and naturally showing them every toy they own! Food, drinks, birthday cake and finished off by wrestling a work colleague down in to their bed!

When the guests left my two exhausted boys actually asked to go to bed. And now an outing to the park with the football the guys were kind enough to give to Corran so he wouldn't feel left out!

Thanks guys


Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Day 124

The Boys are a mere hour away!

Cannot wait lots of hugs kisses and cuddles coming their way!

Will post piccies soon as I am sure they have changed in the 8 days since I've seen them

love Claire

Monday, 12 April 2010

Day 122 Monday 12th April 2010

I've lost my voice! which for me is very bad, but then I remembered my little blog and alas I have my voice again.

So I went to meet Martin yesterday on his return from Abu Dhabi (still really jealous) and whilst out my head cold got worse and now I am
tucked up in bed with no voice!

So got to random surfing as you do and stumbled upon the following quote;
"When I loved myself enough I quit settling for too little."

I recognised it immediately as the words of Kim McMillan (think that's right)

Anyway strongly recommend reading her book "When I loved myself enough" inspiring words!


Friday, 9 April 2010

Fuzz Day 9th April

On our way back from Thames Barrier Park - so much fun!

Fuzzy ran around silly, tongue hanging out catching sticks.

Its not Friday its Fuzzday!

Day 119 Friday 9th April 2010

Fun Friday!

Boys are having fun at granny's!

Missing them like crazy, even the noise, tantrums, fights and mess but they'll be home soon.

Still jealous of Martin, jealousy is a terrible thing so let me clarify. I am
so very proud of Martin and his amazing work - I think my jealousy lies in the satisfaction he gets from his work - he is very passionate about what he does and I miss seeing him at work.

So Saturday plan, get home from work - walk Fuzzy, get some munchies and a couple of beers and settle down to watch UFC112, not the same as being there but it'll do!

check hubby out


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Day 116 Tuesday 6th April

heading home to fuzzy, been a long day but such a gorgeous sunny day can't help but smile!

had stevie wonder keep me company this morning - reminded me of a holiday martin, steph and I went on 4 years ago! Signed Sealed Delivered great song, great memories.

Anyway dinner suggestions welcomed.


Monday, 5 April 2010

Day 115 Monday 5th April 2010

9 hours 20 minutes on a coach, my bottom is numb! my knees hurt and my stomach is rumbling but that aside I made it home safe.

Although to be fair it doesn't quite feel like home, the usual welcoming committee is not waiting for me, the boys are visiting their grandparents in Scotland and whilst martin is here - it is only for 10 or so hours before he jets off again.

I do, however, have the ever faithful fuzz to keep me company and keep me safe, she takes her protection role very seriously and it is at times like this that I am glad she is around watching my back, she is a big softie but makes sufficient noise to warn off any would be attackers.

So, time to relax, back to work tomorrow which is a good distraction, stops me thinking about how quiet the house is, its not normal and kids are noisy and messy and that's exactly how they are supposed to be! Happy, messy and noisy!

love Claire

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Day 114 cont.

Watching Forget Paris, not a huge fan of Billy Crystal but not a bad movie.


Day 114 Sunday 4th April 2010

Happy easter!

Still sleepy after 10 hour coach trip with 2 kids!

so I get to do the journey again tomorrow minus the kids that is.

will be a quiet week without them, more so as martin will be away also!

anyway time for a cup of scottish tea!


Saturday, 3 April 2010

Day 113 Saturday 3rd April 2010

People watching at Victoria, love it!

just seen a couple reunited - truly heartwarming.

waiting on martin and the boys - embarking on another bus trip north, this time not sitting at back of bus!

week with the grand parents - boys will love it.

I have to come back down for work and martin heads of Tuesday - still I have fuzz for company!

happy easter

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Day 109 Tuesday 30th March 2010

I know, I know I am way behind with the blog but with good reason(s).

Not that I want to get into the habit of making excuses but I have had an extremely stressful week, that said it has been good spending time with the kids whilst Martin was away in Runcorn (which is code for New York).

So where to start, I was in Scotland for a few days at Steph's birthday party, followed by the road trip from hell, note to self do not sit at the back of the coach next to the bathroom RISK smelly bathroom every time door opens....REWARD more leg room, it's a tough one!

So Steph came back down to London with me to help take care of the kids, which was nice we done some shopping, some sight seeing, British Music Experience at the O2, found a Roller Disco (best thing ever and we haven't gone to it yet) and hopped on and off the tube too many times to remember.

So with the "good" stuff out of the way we also had murder, measles and mayhem!

Then Martin came home and we are back to normal, that is, until the madness begins again as he is off to Abu Dhabi next week!

On the way home from work last night I was off in a world of my own and got to think of the nice Ikea message on our Oyster card wallets. Home is the most important place in the world, and home is where my boys are!

love Claire

Thursday, 25 March 2010

thursday 25th march

The only thi worse than thinking your kid has measles is realising you've not been immunised yourself and your hubby is 3000 miles away.

still got a rash, still clingy will keep you posted!


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Day 102 Wednesday 24th March 2010

So Martin finally arrived at my cousins, kids are missing him but keeping them very busy!

Have finally sold the cross trainer - downsizing is tough - what to keep, what to sell, what to throw away.

We have a lot of things belonging to Martins late grandmother which naturally we wouldn't get rid of bur I also have nowhere to put it. and I hate to have them just in storage I'm sure she'd want them out being used.

I think I'll learn german, she has handwritten recipe books, from her mother and grandmother and these are the kind of things that martin would want to pass down.

anyway its covent garden today - love this place it's like a little village in London


Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Day 101 Tuesday 23rd March

Didn't mean to miss day 100, just exhausted yesterday!

took in notting hill with steph and the boys.

so just steph, me and the kids for the next few days!

what fun!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Day 99 Sunday 21st March 2010

What a day!!

Road trip...not exactly! coach trip back to London, 2 suitcases, 2 tripod bags full of light stands, 1 kiddie backpack, 1 three year old, 1 29 and 13months old (Steph not quite adjusting to the big 30).

It can mean only one thing....does anyone have any painkillers, of the 9 hour journey Corran slept for about 20 minutes or so and talked for the rest of the time, wondering if Steph is reconsidering her decision to come visit us now.

So after a 9 hour coach trip we were faced with the lovely engineering works that always guaranteed to affect the line that you need, and always when you've had a long day and need a break.

Will post again tomorrow when my energy is restored.


Saturday, 20 March 2010

Saturday 20th March

watching "day after tomorrow" scary film.

what have we done to our planet, and is it too late


Day 98 Saturday 20th March

Hangover breakfast McDonalds pancakes and tea!

Nino's it aint!

Friday, 19 March 2010

Day 97 cont

So technically I had one glass of wine, that Stephs dad kept topping up!

Award for best gift goldfish from Harry.

Award for best gossip, "that's stephs friend who became a stripper!"

So Steph is my best friend, everyone should have a Steph.

left party and went home via legends,quick drink with my dad, bumped into an old friend Robert all in all a good night! just wish martin was here.

love Claire

day 97 19th March 2010


mission - monitor and control alcohol intake - well you can't win em all, piccies to follow

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Day 95 Wednesday 17th March

top o the morning to you! Happy St Patricks Day and Happy Birthday Steph, finally 30!

So it was a pleasant afternoon, even found myself walking to the tube with my jacket off, although to be honest that was more to do with the fact that I had egg yolk down the front of my green jacket! I am clumsy Claire today, I ended up wearing my egg muffin this morning.

Have you noticed how we end up dancing on the train in the morning rush hour. I rarely get a seat when I get ont he DLR and as such I try to secure my spot in a corner and this morning my spot was the railing next to the doors so that I had something to grab on to which wasn't another human being, not that you really fall on a packed train, you usually just bump around the other passengers if you happen to lose your balance a bit like pin ball! So having secured my spot I happily allowed other passengers on the train without giving up my spot, until some rude man pushed his back into me, in the way that my dog does to get a spot on the couch - before I knew it I was in the crowd with nothing to grab hold of.

That said I believe in Karma and in this instance the rude man banged his head on the window just as we approached Shadwell (it gets really bumpy there) isn't it great when you don't have to wait for Karma to take effect.

Anyways I have to sign off for now!


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Day 94 Tuesday 16th March 2010

On a crowded DLR to bank this morning I got lost in my book "How to be Married" by Polly Williams, it has been a page turner (which I finished just an our ago) I found myself smiling a lot as I identified with certain characters and at one point I'm sure I laughed out loud.

As our train came to a halt at Bank, I reluctantly closed my book knowing it was merely a few minutes before I could get back into the story and I was stopped by a gentleman (German I think) who said "I'm sure you'll be smiling by the end" and "You have a great smile" I'm not sure if he was meaning the end of the book or the end of my journey. Well I did get to the end of my book today and I was smiling, and I did get to the end of my journey this morning and whilst it didn't have quite the same effect as the end of the book it wasn't that bad, the sun was shining and people in general are friendlier when the weather improves.

And to prove my point my neighbour just knocked on my door and gave me cakes for the boys! Its been a funny day, it hasn't been all smiles and cakes at one point there was a dark cloud today and the ever calm Claire lost it a bit but I'm back on track for the time being.

And I am signing off now to enjoy a cuppa and a cake (courtesy of neighbour) and some time with my hubby!


Monday, 15 March 2010

Day 93 Monday 15th March 2010

I have finally accepted my geekism!! I loved maths and computing, I watch sci-fi (only the good ones) I have an un-natural understanding for Databases and I know what the blue screen of death is - so my name is Claire and I am a Geek!

With that out of the way I am keeping it short tonight as both my bears are sick, vomiting and temperatures and have only just gone to bed so I'm having a cuppa as I suspect a long night ahead.


Sunday, 14 March 2010

Day 92 Sunday 14th March 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

Just in after taking my two boys to the St Patricks Day Celebrations in London today, we headed to Trafalgar Square although from what I understand it was spread out covering quite a bit of London.

Having been to New York for St Patricks Day I have to say the London one did have more of a kick to it, don't get me wrong loved the New York Parade and glad I went but after about 20 marching bands they were all the same. That is until the Celtic Supporters club went past looking like they'd just been ejected from a pub, amongst the group my dad and Uncle Peter.

Hope you enjoy the piccies and Happy St Patricks day for Wednesday!


Saturday, 13 March 2010

Day 91 Saturday 13th March 2010

Got incredibly clucky today holding a gorgeous baby girl - she was only 4 months old and she fell asleep on my chest whilst her mum was getting ready. There is something very satisfying about the gentle breathing of a baby drifting off to sleep, their soft skin and gentle sighs - all this coming from the woman who hadn't wanted children.

Of course two energetic sons later I am as maternal as they get, even this new mother today remarked that I was a natural and that she can never get her daughter off to sleep that quickly. She was telling me about how she thinks she's doing it wrong, which I assured her, that we all had those thoughts as new mums but that she was doing a great job and not to stress too much about it.

Its funny how we automatically doubt ourselves, but then society and media has sold us this idea that we have to be it all that we can be mum, wife and career woman, but can we have it all really - you can not give 100% to each of these roles at the same time, something has to give! And then of course many of us fail to schedule time in our lives for ourselves, I, like many woman went through a period where we lost our identities, we became wife and mother and it can be overwhelming.

I am going to embark on a little experiment, I read an excerpt from a book, which was actually about search engine optimisation but I am going to apply the rules to my marriage! It sounds crazy and possibly is but I am going to dedicate the minimum of an hour a day where its not about bills, work, children, dishes, television its just about my husband and I - and I will also do the same for me an hour a day that is just for me now naturally the kids require more of me than an hour and lets face it that's not something I grudge giving.

The idea being that instead of thinking too much about finding the time and energy to be it all, we dedicate a small amount of time each day to the areas of our lifes that we need to nurture.

Have a good weekend

Friday, 12 March 2010

Day 90 Friday 12th March 2010

So it would seem there are a variety of different kinds of Tarot cards and that asking for help in the shop is useless.

I of course didn't know this and asked for guidance to be told that "you'll be guided to the right cards you know your friend" - I must've had that look of "don't give me this just help me" on my face as she then re-iterated that she couldn't pick for me. Damn it where is a commission hungry sales person when you need one - clearly not in a new-age shop that's for sure.

Anyway after reading just about every set they had and looking at the imagery I settled on a Mythical Tarot deck based on Greek Mythology and hopefully my choice is correct as I wouldn't want to be resoponsible for unleashing some bad spirits on her.

I might try that sales technique at work - instead of helping clients I will advise them that they will be "guided towards the knickers of their choice by some mystical fairy sales assistant that only they can hear"

Also on our outing today was the most expensive smallest chicken lunch I have ever had, seriously I asked for the small garlic chicken and it was served on a saucer in an Italian cafe on Portobello Road. That's the other thing the French have now been replaced by the Italians so I'm guessing the French half term is over, to be fair there has been some great eye candy on the tube with the Italians.

I love Notting Hill there are so many characters and wonderful stalls full of little delights, it would be very easy to spend a lot of money going down just one road. Also popped into the bead store there again another place I could seriously harm the credit cards.

There are of course some photos from today and I'll post them a bit later, but for now I am going to sit back and enjoy whats left of my day off - an no we didn't make the cookies.....


Thursday, 11 March 2010

Day 89 cont

So I muddled through with my tooth ache today - it has to be one of the worst pains really!

I can't claim to have endured hours of labour as both my boys were delivered by emergency section, that said I did have almost two weeks of semi-regular contractions with Corran, which a nurse tried to convince me that it wasn't painful! I also survived my first Brazilian wax which was a major achievement for me and my low pain threshold - but tooth ache has beaten me I was a moody madam today as a result!

I am wondering if a strong drink would be better than drugs at this point!

So on my commute to work I got to thinking about these people that write books, you know the kind, "How I made $1M online" and "My secrets to earning $$$ online" etc etc etc and I can't help but wonder who buys their books, and if the books contain one page with the advice being, "advertise a book online that claims to tell you the secret of making a fortune and sell it to other fools trying to get rich quick" all yours for $14.99

Well I don't have any get rich quick advice for you tonight - but I'll start writing my book which you can get for the discounted price of $14.99 now let me think what should I call it....."How not to lose money" page 1 "Don't buy the get rich quick books"

So hands up, "who had a teenage crush on Corey Haim" Well I am guilty as charged I had such a crush on him in Licence to Drive although Lost Boys was my favourite. RIP Corey Haim - might have an 80's movie night.....



Day 89

Having had "twinges" for the last week I have finally plucked up the courage to see a dentist -those of you that know me know that I am very afraid of the dentist so this is a big step.

I feel oddly calm which might be the painkillers - that and the fact that I don't think (hope!) they'll do anything with it today!

so wish me luck

Claire ouch!

Day 89 Thursday 11th March 2010

Just about to leave for work, had a bit of a lie in this morning well as much as you can when you have kids jumping on you and driving their cars up your arm!

But hey I have the day off with them tomorrow and have been informed that we are making cookies - I foresee a messy kitchen and messy kids.


Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Day 88 Wednesday 10th March 2010

I watched The Omen last night, the original, for the first time - I tend to avoid horror films as I get nightmares.

I did have a nightmare last night but it was nothing to do with the movie, it was really weird. An ex boyfriend of mine was on his deathbed and asked to see me as he wanted to be forgiven before he died (I know crazy) reluctantly I visited him and ended up trapped in this hospital - every door I opened just led to another endless corridor and it was quite frightening. So without over analysing the dream I can't help but think there is a message in their somewhere!

Who knows

Anyways dinner is nearly ready and kids are still up.


Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Day 87 Tuesday 9th March 2010

oops missed Monday as I was shattered - sorry guys

Anyways yesterday was an interesting if not a little hectic day which started around 7am and ended around 1.30am this morning with tears and tantrums, little black dresses, a years supply of fake tan and wine!

Of course it can mean only one thing industry awards, as you know I don't disclose specific information about my work but last night was an eye opener for me!!

On the way home from work this morning I was unlucky enough to sit next to a girl who was speaking on her mobile and said"dja know what a mean?" 43 times during her conversation which was beginning to irritate me.

anyways time to relax have some chilli watch some Caprica and chill.


Sunday, 7 March 2010

Day 85 Sunday 7th March 2010

Bif family day out today and it was damn cold!

will post the piccies later!

off to the cinema taking full advantage of the babysitters aka "the folks"

back soon


Saturday, 6 March 2010

Day 84 Saturday 6th March 2010

What has happened to Spring? Wasn't it meant to arrive last week?

My folks are visiting from Scotland, from a small town in Scotland that has its own weather system and that is almost always chilly and its warmer there than it is in London - what gives?

So day off tomorrow and we're thinking Greenwich to visit the markets, it will be a cold cold day but that is why we will wrap up warm.

Watching Oceans Eleven (remake) its quite good but I have never seen the original and this is something I should do, pick up a copy of it.

Whats your opinion original or remake?


Friday, 5 March 2010

Day 83 Friday 5th March 2010


can't wait to get home get a nice cuppa!

missing my gloves terribly will have to replace them as it seems spring hasn't sprung yet!

on DLR so not far to go, my parents are visiting which is great the kids have missed them and martin and I get to have a date night, but first I have work tomorrow before I can relax!

Also may have a party booking will keep you posted


Thursday, 4 March 2010

Day 82 Thursday 4th March 2010

Its French half term - its hell on the London underground!

Its not that I have anything against the French there is just so many of them, so now that I am aware of the situation that caused a delay this morning I can plan ahead for the next two weeks.

I lost my gloves on the district line today, and by lost I mean they were on my lap and I jumped up forgetting they were there ran off the train and left them abandoned on the floor.

Ended up ass checking today quite by accident, guy in front of me on way to the Piccadilly line kept turning round and I couldn't work out why then spotted the trend as each young girl passed by he was checking her out I couldn't help but laugh and also see if they were worth the look.

I wonder if we started an overall trend of folks turning round to see what we were looking at, in the same way that if you're pointing up at the sky in the street everyone starts staring up also. I feel a Tube experiment brewing!! A bit like an extension of the smiling experiment.

Will keep you posted


Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Day 81 Wednesday 3rd March 2010

As promised the photos from our visit to the science musem, kids had a great time although I had a blast too.

Got doodling again on the train home so I feel a jewellery design coming on so short and sweet tonight but on the upside you'dd possible get to see a new necklace tomorrow.

take care Claire

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Day 80 cont.

This image should encourage all parents to take their kids to the Science Museum, and guess what its free entry!!

Day 80 Tuesday 2nd March 2010

What a day!

We went to the Science museum there is nothing more rewarding that seeing a child's face light up when they realise how something works. We played with magnets, we watched a rocket launch (kind of) and seen Apollo 10 re-entry capsule the real deal the vehicle they went round the moon in on a trial run before the moon landing.

Will post tomorrow with the pictures.

have a good night

Monday, 1 March 2010

Day 79 Monday 1st March 2010

My dogs are barking, a tough long day today but kept busy which is always good.

Got the day off tomorrow, so thinking of heading to Covent Garden to enrol in a dance class, its been a while since I've taken dance classes and I'm sure my ankles aren't up to Irish dancing again but I'm sure I'll manage a tap class.

Anyways, feet up, cup o tea and relax.....

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Day 78 Sunday 28th February 2010

So I survived the "omlette" yesterday and am happy to say that we had a very nice dinner this evening, breaded chicken, rice, sweetcorn and chips and of course ketchup!

Busy day today - worked on the website so you can all let me know what you think.

About to switch off for a while, walk the dog and play with the kids then some jewellery making tonight

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday


Saturday, 27 February 2010

Day 77 Saturday 27th February 2010

"Who is ready for some culinary disaster?"

"not me not me not me" replied Corran, but who do you think asked the question?

You'd expect it to be me, but no the question was posed by hubby, who despite being a really good cook, made his first omelette today, and I am using the term omelette loosely.

To be fair he was asking my advice whilst cooking but I was preoccupied and not really paying attention, needless to say we're having scrambled eggs on toast, in an ironic twist there was a knock at the front door, and upon opening, we were presented with food from Pret a Manger!

Let me explain, we live opposite the airport, quite literally, and when the restaurant closes on a Saturday they give out the left over food and for whatever reason they chose to knock on our front door today.

"Whats the black stuff?"

"Its just some slightly burnt egg!"

Well I'd better try it at least

Hopefully I'll be around later to blog

Friday, 26 February 2010

Day 76 cont

Big cuddles from little bears.

I love the fact that ethan wakes up when he hears me come in at night, I know I know that is so wrong, but his little cuddles and coy smiles just melt my heart and he is becoming such a talkative bear too. Telling me that I have a bum bum!

He also tried to say Corrans name but hasn't quite got that yet, he adores Corran he fights with him at times but when you watch them he just loves everything about his older brother. Corran despite the odd dispute is very protective of Ethan - I am so very lucky and am truly blessed with these beautiful boys!

Seen a gorgeous little girl at work today, 14 months old and bum shuffling along the floor the way they do - got very clucky, my how I have changed!

Anyways some snuggle time with Martin before my weekend with the boys stay tuned for our adventures.



Day 76 Friday 26th February 2010

Good morning!!

I had a battle of wills with my eldest son this morning who was intent on switching the bathroom light off whilst I was attempting to put me makeup on!

"mum...agent oso says blah blah blah"

"corran, I am going to speak to agent oso's mother,, blah blah blah"

Having succeeded in getting my war paint on I am now on my way to work, running the gauntlet of backpackers, wet fur hood wearing, over powering perfumed girls and my new hate - people with strollers. You know the suitcases on wheels attatched to their owners who are not shall we say "spacially aware".

there are the business folks with the mini-strollers, because their laptop and paperwork is just too heavy! Then there are the mid-sized "I'm visiting my sister for a few days" stroller which is a hazard in tube stations as they always change direction or stop dead without notice.

And then we have matching luggage, perfect made up, sunglass wearing strollers who thought it would be a "blast" to get the DLR at rush hour with their giant cases, this mornings blog is dedicated to the delightful if Not a little dim ladies next to me who are about to bring carnage to Bank station as they negotiate the escalators.

my mission get off the train before they do !

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Day 75 cont.

Its 1987, he's wearing a purple leather suit it can only be Eddie Murphy Raw, its good to laugh, it was laughter therapy!

Just having a cuppa before bed and some digestive biscuits, digestives are the biscuits you have the week before payday. Its like a shopping calender

Pay day + 1 day you shop at Waitrose or M&S food, chocolate biscuits and Jakobs lattes
Pay day + 1 week you shop at Waitrose but mostly Tesco/Asda/Somerfield and packed lunches
Pay day + 2 weeks "what? are we shopping again?"
Pay day + 3 weeks its the corner shop and the shopping lottery and digestive biscuits

But there is something nice about a cuppa and digestive biscuits!

Anyways should get to bed another working day tomorrow and then off the weekend!


Day 75 Thursday 25th February 2010

Its not often I am stuck for things to say but I'm struggling this morning!

I'm on the DLR on the first leg of my journey to work, wishing I w
as still at home eating toast and jam with my boys.

I have the whole weekend off - can't wait to spend some quality time with Martin and the kids.

maybe take in a dance class!

anyways catch up soon

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Day 74 Wednesday 24th February 2010


I was so organised last night. having finished at 2 I pencilled in arrangements for Steph's 30th and her visit the following week - can't wait. Then when I got home had some time with the boys before heading out to buy some essentials, which is never easy at Canary Wharf, everyone exists in a bubble.

When we got back we played cars and I made dinner, washed dishes washed kids and then bed!

for the kids atleast.

It went perfectly - so a cup of tea, martin will come home then I can work on my website.

Its at this point it comes crashing down, Martin did come home as did laptop but he had work to do, so I skipped off to bed.

I'm now on my way to work, a lovely 10 hour shift (13 with travel) not off again until the weekend and I never get the chance to do website as I spend the weekend with the boys on crazy adventures.

So no more planning for me, hence My MEH last night! gowing with the flow.

love Claire

Monday, 22 February 2010

day 72 Monday 22nd February 2010

Monday mornings are crazy, there always seems to be more commuters than usual!

Standing next to me (and by next to monday me I mean practically standing on me) this morning was a young woman whose perfume was over powering, her lime green gloves were giving me a headache, her damp fur hood kept sticking to my cheek and each time the train juddered she balanced herself by sticking her elbow into my stomach! "watch out world" Claire is pms'ing!

I'm clearly overly sensitive on some things so tomorrow I'm going to smile at fellow commuters.

nutter next to me is talking LOUDLY on mobile - very close to the edge! he's actually given me a headache.

hope I get home soon


Sunday, 21 February 2010

Day 71 Sunday 21st February 2010

Best £2.70 spent ever, egg muffin and cup 'o tea from La Brioch on Old Brompton Road on my way to work this morning!

So now having had some brekkie, well brekkie number two had my rice krispies and tea courtesy of Martin this morning (thanks).

So best get ready to face the day ahead.

take care

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Day 70 20th February 2010

there'll be a few sore heads tomorrow!

I waved my colleagues off as they headed to Amika (nightclub) for Bridgets leaving party before she heads back to Oz next week.

it was a good night and Normally I'd happily head to the club and shake my thang! But happy to be heading home to my boys!


Friday, 19 February 2010

Day 69 Friday 19th February 2010

Day off today so we got up and out early!

We covered a lot of ground - first stop Notting Hill on an errand and then a quick stop at Chelsea, then home to make cakes (technically not baking it was krispie cakes) with my enthusiastic assistants Corran and Ethan and then Waitrose at Canary Wharf via the swing park.

All in all a productive day although we did have an "incident" at the swing park resulting in an unhappy Ethan who is now sporting an ugly bruise on his forehead. It was an accident Fuzz was overly excited and knocked him over, within seconds he was back up and running around like a loon.

So both bears in bed, knackered from the days adventures and its now time for some milk and krispie cakes.



Thursday, 18 February 2010

Day 69 18th February 2010

Well it was a sad day, Bridget has left work as her visa is up and she is homeward bound back to Australia.

I haven't really known her all that long but she is a great girl and will be missed. She was a very bubbly person and you can't help but be lifted by her spirits when she is around, so I am wishing her well and hope her journey home is a safe one.

On a different note I was reading some very wise words today, found myself having those "OMG I do that" moments whilst reading. So as I work my way through the book I'll keep you posted on my progress.

On the DLR tonight was quite possibly Britains loudest family, actually give my noisy neighbours upstairs a run for their money, it was annoying as I had to keep re-reading the same paragraph. So I'm thinking I'll need to re-charge the MP3 player.

Anyways time to relax, kick back, etc etc

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Day 68 Thursday 18th February 2010

So I was busy working on jewellery last night (few hours ago to be exact)

What do you think?

The necklace is Sterling Silver with two Rose Quartz stones, Rose Quartz is sometimes called the Love Stone and helps the wearer achieve self worth. It gives inner peace and helps in all matters pertaining to love. Lets face it we can all do with a little help in that department from time to time.

Take care


Day 67 Wednesday 17th February 2010

Been making jewellery -love it, love it, love it!

that's my advice tonight do what you love!


Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Day 66 16th February 2010

What a grey wet London morning!

Think I left the sunshine back at home, well my sunshine that is. the little line of boys waiting for goodbye kisses and promises of playtime later! We're building tunnels tonight using loo rolls!

Included in the line up, fuzz - girls best friend and Martin whom himself was a little fuzzy this morning.

With all that sunshine at home its a wonder I can leave the house at all!


Monday, 15 February 2010

Day 65 cont.

And so I can speak!

Although I always could type I suppose, not much help in day to day life but hey ho. But it would appear my extra days rest has helped, I'm not nearly as congested and should be back at work tomorrow.

Fuzz, as always, has barely left my side today - she reminds me of the dog we had as children, he would never leave us if we were ill, he'd lie up net to us and give us the sympathetic look which I'm sure meant;

"I know you're not well, so I don't expect you to pet me, but if you are up to it a little scratch on the back would be nice!"

These four legged furry buddies are the most loyal friends you'll ever have!

In the few hours that I did feel alive over the weekend I worked on my website which I am looking forward to unveiling at some point this week, I'm just having a technical issue with the shopping cart (which is kinda essential) as much as I'd love to give away my necklaces for free - that just aint gonna pay the bills is it?

Anyways, back to taking it easy as the slight stinging in my head is reminding me that I haven't quite kicked this yet.

take care

Day 65 Monday 15th February 2010


After having 2 hours yesterday where I thought I was feeling better I am back in bed with the laptop, barely able to speak and in and out of the bathroom being sick (which I think is cough induced) sorry if its too much information I am a sharer.

I also, for the last day and a half, have the worst headache ever which I think is also down to the coughing and/or dehydration, I can't speak to loudly or I hurt my own head or start a chain reaction of coughing that you'd expect from a lifetime smoker.

So, rather than struggle through I am not leaving this bed until I am better so I have my cough mixture, lozenges and flu remedies and I intend to kick this. Technically I've had it since 28th December just run down since then so pass me the echineacea!

Hopefully a healthier Claire will be blogging tomorrow!

take care

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Day 64 Sunday 14th February 2010

My two kids just brought me their blankets because mums not well!

Hasn't stopped them running around crazy - but that's just them being kids.

They are full of mischief but they are very loving and very cute!

hope to be back to normal tomorrow - get rid of this flu!


Saturday, 13 February 2010

Day 63 13th February 2010

Not good heads broken, had to be carried into bed last night!

ethan is saving his pennies in his nappy, everytime we change him coins fall to the floor!


Friday, 12 February 2010

Day 62 Friday 12th February

Friday at last!

watching a movie and missing lavalette beach.



Thursday, 11 February 2010

Day 61 cont

This is why nothing can get to me, look at what I get to come home to.


Day 61 Thursday 11th February 2010

It's not like me but I am struggling to write tonight!

I know that its just been one of those days and tomorrow I'll be back to my bubbly self, very seldom let things get to me and I try not to hold onto anger I'm sure the rude person on the train will never cross my path again (love Karma) as my favourite quote goes

"holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one that gets burned" Buddah

Besides I have two gorgeous boys, lovely honey, perfect puppy and ginger cake.....

Bring on Friday


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Day 60 Wednesday 10th February2010


Yep this cold aint shifting, its been a long slow day and I can't stop coughing!

There is nothing like getting into a good book to lighten up your daily commute, although if you do get "too in to it" there is the risk of missing your stop! I must pay attention.

Off to find some medicine

love Claire

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Day 59 Tuesday 9th February 2010

So I have the cold, again! What is with this weather I was sure Spring had sprung last week but obviously that was a blip.

So on the escalator at Bank this morning I was stuck behind two ladies, I'm guessing Mum and daughter given the ages and I was getting an "Italian" vibe from them. As I watched their interaction wondering if I should have taken the stairs, even though my legs haven't forgiven me for the 193 steps at Covent Garden, I was wondering just how much they had spent on their wardrobe, the younger of the two ladies had the customary UGG boots, leggings and a coat that looked, sounded and creased like a bin bag with fur on the hood.

The Louis Vuitton handbags were the giveaway that considerable expenditure went into her "look" but I couldn't help but wonder if I stuck some faux fur on to a bin bag I'd have a very similar look (no really) and it struck me that there is truth in Dolly Parton's quote "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap!"

The rest of the day was all Haribo gummy sweets, pelvic floor exercises and massage oil - average day for me!

Anyways I am in need of some TLC and cold remedy so I'll leave you for now


Monday, 8 February 2010

Day 58 cont.

So my pondering didn't really come to much, if anything my head is full of ideas running around I need time to collate them, get rid of the "silly ideas", file the "for future" ideas and refine the reasonably "ok" ideas.

I am in the middle of a battle of wills with my youngest, in the last few days he has decided that bed time is negotiable (they go through phases) so he is staring at me (almost the full strength of a Claire Glare) and telling me to go to bed! Corran never really was a "terrible two" but I am sensing Ethan takes very much after me and will be a force to be reckoned with. Watch out world here comes Ethan!

We have sang Twinkle twinkle, we have read the Cars book, we have read how its Not My Truck and he is still adamant that he is not going to sleep, whereas I on the other hand could quite happily cuddle up with my honey and go for a little nap.

So whilst out and about today I found myself surrounded my several pampered princesses, whose priorities are so far removed from mine that it is ridiculous that we find ourselves in the same postcode for most of the day when really we are on different planets. I do not envy these woman most of whom are very smart and have accepted that their "package" is a currency and as such they are really quite good business women, but there are some who just float around in a world far removed from reality and it is these girls that I feel sorry for.

Having recently watched The Day After Tomorrow, I wondered what these women would bring to a group of survivors, their Platinum Visa's would no longer be of use and the money in Daddy's bank would be good for lighting a fire I suppose but what skills have they learned that would be of use to a group of survivors in such dire circumstances.

So naturally I got thinking about what skills, if any, I would bring to the table....let me see I can cook (honestly, I am quite good and I enjoy it just never get the time), I can make jewellery (not really essential in a crisis), I can fix televisions (although I am not sure we would have time for TV what with rebuilding the planet), although my soldering skills may be of use! I can entertain groups of children (a new skill I have found whilst trying to prevent kids killing each other in a not so soft "soft play") that might be beneficial keep them occupied whilst the adults decide what to do next.

So I'm now thinking I should enrol in some useful classes woodworking, self defense (in times of need etc), shooting (for hunting) and salsa because we should still have something to entertain us and that should about do it me thinks.

Anyways, currently the day after tomorrow is more likely to be a busy work day which shouldn't require me to know how to handle a firearm so I'm good for now.



Day 58 Monday 8th February 2010

Oh dear, I am pondering - not a good thing on a Monday.

Had to stop off for a bite on way to work and now I'm pondering.

better get my skates on


Sunday, 7 February 2010

Day 57 Sunday 7th February 2010

Perfect Sunday with my favourite boys!

Went to Covent Garden to pick up some jewellery making essentials, was pleased with my purchases got some Amethyst and Rose Quartz for a few necklaces I have designed.

I have started with these two stones as both encourage warmth and love and are said to have specific healing qualities.

Rose quartz is believed to open the heart to the beauty within and encourage self acceptance. Amethyst is believed to reduce insomnia if placed under your pillow (must try this before making the necklace and report back) amongst many other healing properties.

Also picked up a Sapphire as it is my birth stone although I rarely make pieces for myself, I get something out of making a piece of jewellery that someone wants to wear and appreciates the time that has gone into making the item specifically for them, it is very rewarding.

Anywyas its getting near bedtime for the bears so I'll sign off for now and post back hopefully with one of the necklaces finished tomorrow.


Saturday, 6 February 2010

Day 56 6th February 2010

When your day starts with the mobile ringing its never a good sign, in my case two members of staff brought down by a flu bug that is doing its rounds!

So I have just finished breakfast about 2 minutes ago (approx 7.30pm) but hey its not like this happens every week and I have tomorrow off which I am so looking forward to.

So sorry its not a very interesting post but its just been a bit of a "meh" day!


Friday, 5 February 2010

Day 55 Friday 5th February 2010

Thank crunchie its Friday! oooo I could just go a crunchie...Martin honnneeeeyyy

Anyways busy day and my feet are paying the price, my dogs are barking as they say. First off a thank you to Kimmy & Fletcher for lunch, very yummy Thai, Martin got my leftovers which he loved, a thank you to Tamanna for the chocolate (saved me going on the 4 o'clock chocolate run) and a thank you to Rachelle for popping out to get me coffee this morning. Your combined efforts got me through a long day after a very long night with the kids.

Martin got Fuzz new food dishes and he is assembling them as I type, yes you read that right the food bowls for our pooch require assembly. Martin does have a confused look on his face and Fuzz has an impatient look on her face - I'll keep you posted on that one.

So the kids have had kisses and cuddles and off to bed and its time for me to put the kettle on. This weekend I should be finishing my new website (watch this space) and making some jewellery to help raise funds for a colleague who is walking on a bed of hot coals for a very worthwhile charity, I'll post links tomorrow!

Take care Claire

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Day 54 Thursday 4th February 2010


On my way to work this morning I came across an abandoned (lost) book entitled "Lullaby Lion" I was tempted to take it home with me as my youngest has a pet lion (stuffed) called Lionel who is Ethan's best friend. But I instead opted to leave the book on the off chance that the owner would come looking for it! It made me very aware of all the random things I see in my journey, single gloves, false teeth (yes really on the district line), books, bears etc etc etc so I have been posting random conversations I over hear on the tube and now I am going to document my findings also.

My favourite boys came to meet me from work and we opted to eat on the way home, which seemed a good idea at the time. Half way through our food Ethan, goes very quiet and pale and then projectile vomiting, I have never seen Martin move so fast, it would appear his tummy wasn't keen on the fruit juice he had earlier that afternoon, he was fine afterwards just one of those things that happen with kids, hope we didn't put the other diners off their food.

On the way home Corran was excited to be at Bank as he knows that's where his pennies are, he is saving up for an airport and he wants to make pennies by being a model, or a drummer or a model drummer!

Take care and I'll catch up with you tomorrow


Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Day 53 Wednesday 3rd February 2010

Its been a strange day, my excitement at Bank station being opened was short lived as it was closed today (signal failures) resulting in a very frustrating commute.

We stopped at every DLR station with the driver giving us an "update" even though there was technically no update to the situation it was still taking us 25 minutes to move 2 stops and Bank was still closed. Although the driver did have a very pleasant voice.

So it was DLR to Poplar, Poplar to Canary Wharf, Jubilee to Westminster, District to South Kensington with the District line being delayed owing to a defective train, some people might say that this is a sign that I should've stayed in bed!

The day itself was average, no major drama's to report, looking forward to making some jewellery this weekend! I did have a bit of a chuckle at a conversation I overheard today, two ladies discussing the "new man" and how she loves him so much but has to take him shopping as "his clothes are...well I just have to take him shopping", and "we're booked in to get his hair cut tomorrow" and "then we have an appointment next week at the gym" and "once all that's done we are off to the South of France to meet my parents" what is he your boyfriend or your pet?

Suddenly my awful commute isn't that bad, it could be worse, I could be that woman's boyfriend! When we meet a new significant other, we tend to see which boxes they tick and then accept the flaws that make them who they are and why we love them but there is an alarming trend of accepting which boxes are ticked and then trying to change the "bits" we don't like - it will all end in tears! Unless he is of course happy to be her pet in which case I wish them well.

Take care

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Day 52 Tuesday 2nd February 2010

Day off! It feels like a Sunday for some reason and we treated it as such - completely relaxed and a lazy day.

Well as much as you can do with two kids. Started with taking kids and fuzz out for some fresh air then had some lunch followed by Jewellery making/organising. They are enthusiastic little helpers but I fear we'll be finding crystals for months to come as their idea of organising was slightly different to mine but we all had fun and I enjoy getting them involved in the same way that I am sure one day Martin will take the boys out on photo shoots.

Well I have been putting on weight, which is a good thing, when I was ill last summer I became quite skeletal at under 6.5 stone so I am quite happy that bits of me are wobbly now, and I can't stop eating which I was never like, well except for during my pregnancies where I would comfortably eat two full dinners each night.

But I can assure you this new found appetite is not a sign of another little McNeil on the way - life with two is quite hectic enough! Can you imagine the challenge of number 3?!?

Anyways time to start rounding up the two tiny terrors and story time!


Monday, 1 February 2010

Day 51 Monday 1st February 2010

Bank is open! Yay! and by Bank I mean Bank station so my commute just got a bit easier in the morning.

Been a busy day lots to do which is how I like it! Last night I made two new necklaces which are very nice, looking forward to showing you my new range which should be done in about a week or so.

I forgot to charge the MP3 (again) so my journey home was interesting as you can't help but hear other peoples conversations. There was one woman that I really felt for, she was worrying about failing her child (I'm guessing a new mum) and is worried that she is "doing it right". I'm sure all first time mums have been in this place, you are learning about being a parent and its tough. I was always worried that I got it wrong, even recently, and I have two kids now.

I've read the books, visited the websites and talked to the doctors and in the end I'm doing a great job by all accounts, I have two healthy, beautiful, happy children who are growing and learning all the time. The books and experts do offer good advice and opinions but that is what they are advice and opinions! Nobody knows your child like you do, so to the anonymous mother on the train, you are probably doing fine enjoy your children they don't stay young for long!



Sunday, 31 January 2010

Day 50 Sunday 31st January 2010

What a great day!

Headed out with my boys in search of adventure and cakes and found ourselves at Greenwich again, this time arriving early enough to explore this wonderful place!

We started off at a little cafe, nothing like a glass of milk and a pan au chocolate to prepare you for the walk up to the top, a walk which is well worth it as the view is stunning and there is something special about being in the place where all time zones are measured.

Being the entertainers they are, my two little bears, were happy to pose for photos on the meridian line, not just for me but it would seem that when these two started posing there were a lot of happy snappers. Although I was explaining the importance of where we were the excitement of the red ball dropping at 1.00pm was lost on them, granted its not the same as the crystal ball dropping on Times Square at new year but still very important.

They were however both very excited about the planetarium and learning about space, planets, stars and rockets! Corran was delighted by being able to touch a meteorite, actually touching something billions of years old that has been in space, and he understood, he really understood that this rock had been out there in space.

We finished off our day by visiting the Queens House, which for me was a treat, I was a history student and I love being in a place where Kings and Queens have walked before me, whilst I wasn't a great fan of the art work which was almost entirely war related, not surprising the Queens House did become the Royal Naval College, I did enjoy learning more about the history of the building.

Whilst not the photographer of the family I do love the shot I have taken of the Queens House against the backdrop of Canary Wharf, I love the contrast of old and new in architecture!

Have a good evening
